From self publishing authors to international distributors and re-sellers - we got you cover!
Authors, Self publishers and small businesses can now display their external OPDS catalog in our eReader app – and it’s FREE!
All On Us
Small business without an online shop? Need DRM for your books? Let us manage your books, catalog and sale process
Play Gray
Not ready for White-Label yet? Need DRM and full management control? We made Gray-Label model – just for you!
Go White
Need Branding for your business or institute? Your apps, Your management system – boosting your direct distribution to max
DIY model
Just starting your way in the Epub world? A self publishing author? Don’t care about DRM? This solution was made for you.

Self publishing up to 25 books that you sale on-line? you can put your own catalog in our reading app for FREE!
Send us a valid OPDS format of your catalog and you are done.
We will integrate your catalog into our SifriApp reading application catalogs – to be accessible for all users to browse, download a sample book, and purchase directly from your site.
Your books must not be DRM protected and of course you will have to deliver the book to your customers, which will be able to open the book for reading in SifriApp or any other reading application which supports importing eBook files.
The cost? FREE! No hidden fees what so ever.
We encourage DRM-free ecosystem and supporting self-publishers that are making their first step into digital publishing.
Need help while creating your OPDS catalog? Need consulting while choosing the right business model? don’t hesitate to Contact us. We would love to help you!
SifriApp - Always free and without advertisments
On All Us
Hassle free model, for the lonely wolf that still want the ability of full DRM protection

Having up to 25 books to sale – but not even a website to sale them? or you don’t want the hassle of handling the sale – just leave it for us!
We will upload and manage your books in our systems, providing them with full eDRM when purchased and download by your customers.
Each book has it’s own book page in an Online-Catalog – with a “buy now” ability, so you can share and link it everywhere you want.
Your customers will get their books into their private cloud library and will be able to use SifriApp to read them.
Your revenue will be transferred in the end of each month. This model used with revenue share option.
Need consulting while choosing the right business model? don’t hesitate to Contact us. We are ready to help you anytime!
The most flexible eReading solution on the market
Play Gray
Not ready for White-Label yet? No worries. Play Gray!

First time you hear about a “Gray Label” service? Well, maybe because we are the first to invent & implement it!
How it works? You register as our customer and get a full access to our CloudManager web interface, where you manage all your books, catalog and users in our dedicated content management system.
Your catalog will be instantly displayed on all of our SifriApp readers. Enabling customers to browse, download samples and buy books directly from you, or via in-app-purchase.
You will receive an API access for your eCommerce platform – to let CloudManager system knows when you want to authorize a book to one of your customers (on sale event)
Your customers will use our SifriApp eReading application to access their private cloud library, browse the eDRM protected books they bought from you and download them to their device for off-line reading.
What is so Gray in that you ask? Well, although our SifriApp reader serve many publishers and displaying all their catalogs – In case of a new user that was first register when buying a book from your site – only your catalog will be shown in his catalogs list in SifriApp.
So just without the branding – you will get a semi-White-Label reading application to your loyal own customers
Our system architecture is all about cost efficiency! While Apple and Google cutting ~30% of every book you sale – our solutions will enable you to keep this money in your pocket!
Note that as part of “close garden” restrictions on direct external sale, enforced by companies like Apple – in some cases, the direct sale in your website will be possible only from a referring-email the user will automatically receive after downloading a sample book.
Go White
Your own brand, full control – backed up by us!

Register as our customer and you will get a set of 2 white-label branded eReading applications to deploy into Apple app store and Google Play store. You will also get a full access to the CloudManager web interface, where you manage all your books, catalog, users and much more.
Your catalog will be instantly displayed on all of your White-Label eReaders, enabling customers to browse, download samples and buy books directly from your website, or via in-app-purchase.
You will receive an API access for your eCommerce platform – to update the CloudManager system automatically when you want to authorize a book to one of your customers (On-Sale event).
Your customers will use your White-Label eReading application to access their private cloud library, browse the DRM protected books they bought from you and to download them to their device for off-line reading.
In your White-Label reading app – only your own catalog will be shown , along with any OPDS catalog you will wish to add (Free online books for example).
Our system architecture enable you to cut cost on your website hardware and software – as the books files are not even stored in your server. This way you can truly concentrate on publishing and selling books – leaving all the heavy lifting for us.
Did you know? While others are debating about PLR and the future of eBook Libraries business models – we already have a full PLR solution offered to our clients as upgrade module

Open Green Garden
As part of our support in open digital community – your customers will be able to access their private cloud eBooks (of books they bought and you choose not to DRM-protect) – from any other eReading application supporting accessing private, password protected, online OPDS library. And yes, even these eBooks are Social-DRM protected as default.
As part of our support in open digital community - your dynamic OPDS catalog (of books you choose not to DRM-protect) - will be also available publicly – enabling access from any other reading application supporting linking to external OPDS catalogs. And yes, even these eBooks are Social-DRM protected as default.
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