How To

Use FXLexporter to export your work from Photoshop .psd or Gimp .xcf files– directly to XHTML format.


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PSD into single or Multi XHTML pages

Each .psd source will be exported as .xhtml document, keeping the correct design of the layers/objects in the view.
If “Multi page” was selected while exporting (PRO mode) – every top-most group of layers will be exported as separate xhtml file.

Layers into HTML objects

Each layer will be exported as an image and an object inside the .xhtml file.

The Layer name will be used for the image file name, and the ID of the HTML object, so better keep conventional names, using English letters only, without spaces or special characters. FXLexporter will fix not standard names, but in case you are planning to use interactivity and for other reasons – you better use clean and logical naming method for your layers.