copy & paste the link into your browser if these buttons not working on your computer
These files will help you to get started.
1. Open selected file in Sigil and change Title, Author name, Language code, ISBN and all meta data as needed.
2. Change the cover.jpg file (good idea…)
3. import all .xhtml files you exported from FXLexporter. (in Text folder, Misc and additional Video/Audio folders)
4.Save as epub file and check it with EpubCheck to fine tune your Ebook (smart idea…)
5. Done! open and read using SifriApp or any other compatible Epub3 reader.
XHTML tag attributes
parameter: classes names
self_layer[myclass1 myclass2]{show@#other_layer}
On Click
parameter: action name and target layer
You can add as many actions as you want on any layer
No target – will target the action layer itself
On Click
parameter: ID or Class (optional)
On Click
parameter: ID of page-layer
mostly used with “multiple pages from top-most layers” feature.
On Click
parameter: web link url
On Click
animate+animation name (note the case)
use “animated” class name on animated layers
use delay-Xs and speed-Xs to define time of actions (1-10)
parameter: ID or Class (optional)
target[animated delay-3s speed-2s]
other_layer[animated speed-5s]
On Page load
autoanimate@animation name (note the case)
use “animated” class name on the animated layers
use delay-Xs and speed-Xs to define time of actions (1-10)
parameter: animation name
target[animated delay-3s speed-2s]{autoanimate@slideInRight}
other_layer[animated speed-5s]{autoanimate@bounceIn}
Add a layer with an ID name which is also the file name of the .mp4 file that you will use.
This will create the video resource that is needed in your XHTML page, with a link to the video file in “Video” directory.
(don’t forget to put all your video files there!)
will get controls UI by the OS.
* not resize-able on flex mode export.
parameter: suffix of ‘<video>’
Add a layer with an ID name which is also the file name of the .m4a or .mp3 file that you will use.
This will create the audio resource that is needed in your XHTML page, with a link to the audio file in “Audio” directory.
(don’t forget to put all your audio files there!)
if visible – will get controls UI by the OS.
* not resize-able on flex mode export.
parameter: suffix of ‘<audio>’
On Click
parameter: ID of special media layer (file name resource)
On Swipe – ONLY on FLEX export (for Web), mainly for multi pages export use.
parameter: ID of page
export process
Override the “export as image” global export settings.
parameter: ! prefix